
These posts are related to wildlife and habitat conservation

Bruce Kirby invites Stephen Harper on a camping trip.

Bruce Kirby invites Stephen Harper on a camping trip.

Over the last two decades Bruce Kirby has paddled and hiked in some of the Earth’s most remote places. He has also guided hundreds of people on wilderness trips and written two national bestselling books about his adventures. His breathtaking wilderness images have been published widely and he is a regular columnist with the Globe and Mail.

This Canada Day he invited our Prime Minister to join him for a three day wilderness camping trip…

WWF, the Great Bear Sea and the Northern Gateway Pipeline.

WWF, the Great Bear Sea and the Northern Gateway Pipeline.

Last fall staff and supporters of the World Wildlife Fund traveled to British Columbia to explore the central coast aboard the Island Roamer, and I was fortunate enough to be their guide.

With the Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal looming over the coast, it is an important time to draw attention to this unique and spectacular place. WWF tries to do just that in this video, referring to this region as the Great Bear Sea…

Cover image for youtube video on the Great Bear Rainforest

Spoil this?: Enbridge, oil and the Great Bear Rainforest.

Since the Queen of the North sank on the central coast of BC in March of 2006 people have been nervous. The ship’s massive hulk is now 1500 feet underwater, still leaking diesel into coastal waters. With that tragedy fresh in people’s mind, the looming threat of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline Project has people on edge…

Lake Huron sunsets: a nice job perk.

Lake Huron sunsets: a nice job perk.

One reason I have not been posting much on this blog lately is that I’ve had sporadic internet access while working in the field doing bird and amphibian surveys.

It has been a while since I’ve done some good old fashioned biology fieldwork and it is darn nice to be spending my days outdoors, away from my keyboard. Even nicer on evenings when I get sit on a beach and eat dinner while the sun sets over Lake Huron…