Natural History

These posts are related to Natural History observations and musings.

European honey bee pollinating a peach flower

Can We Put a Value on Nature? Should We?

How much is nature worth? One 1997 estimate put its value at $142.7 trillion. But what about those people in China who pollinate apple blossoms by hand? In this episode of Radiolab, Jad and Robert talk with some of my favourite authors, including Carl Zimmer and J.B. Mackinnon, and discover that this simple question – how much is nature worth? – is not very easy to answer.

Photo by Canon 20D + Sigma 150mm f/2.8

Wondrous, whimsical and inconceivable words for wildlife

Wondrous, whimsical and inconceivable words for wildlife

A leap of leopards. A prickle of porcupines. A romp of otters, an exaltation of larks. These terms are not typically very practical, yet the collective nouns used for animals are fanciful. And fanciful is good.

Not typically very practical, yet the collective nouns used for animals are decidedly fanciful. And fanciful is good. So are beautiful videos…

Lake Huron sunsets: a nice job perk.

Lake Huron sunsets: a nice job perk.

One reason I have not been posting much on this blog lately is that I’ve had sporadic internet access while working in the field doing bird and amphibian surveys.

It has been a while since I’ve done some good old fashioned biology fieldwork and it is darn nice to be spending my days outdoors, away from my keyboard. Even nicer on evenings when I get sit on a beach and eat dinner while the sun sets over Lake Huron…