Sage words on writing from Elizabeth Gilbert
I’ve only read one third of Elizabeth’s Gilbert’s blockbusting book Eat, Pray, Love and I’ve never read anything else she has written. But I have watched her Ted Talk, which contains some wonderful gems of wisdom about creativity.
All this lead me to her website where I encountered some thoughts on writing she jotted down for others. If I never read anything else she has written, I am very happy to have read this. If you are a writer, or want to be a writer, or any other kind of artist, then follow the link above to learn from some of her hard won wisdom.
Very encouraging words Tim. I think the biggest thing holding me back from writing is the feeling that I am not qualified to say anything on any given subject. Why listen to me? But I guess everyone probably feels that. Perhaps the best place to start is to just experience life and write about those experiences? Perhaps we all have something to say.