We are a passion-driven team with deep and diverse expertise in the natural and cultural history of the Great Bear Rainforest.
Tim Irvin
Tim’s big plan was to become a wildlife biologist. After two degrees in ecology and numerous field biology contracts studying everything from lynx, songbirds, marten, squirrels, amphibians, and more, he was offered a job guiding grizzly bear tours in a fjord in British Columbia. That’s when the original plan began to fall apart. Tim got distracted by the toothy wildlife and the breathtaking beauty of the Great Bear Rainforest. Quite simply, the allure of the guiding life was too much to ignore. Now, instead of collecting and crunching data as a biologist, Tim communicates science and shares his passion for wildlife as a guide.
Lee Morgan
The next David Attenborough. Lee is an ecologist, naturalist, and photographer. He has guided wildlife tours throughout Europe, the Arctic, South America, and Madagascar but has a particular passion for the wildlife of the Pacific coast. Originally from England, he fell in love with British Columbia and now he calls it home. Together with Lindsay Janes, Lee runs Lutra Wildlife Tours. Find Lutra Wildlife on Instagram @lutrawildlife
Lindsay Janes
Queen of the Great Bear Rainforest. Born and raised on the coast of British Columbia, Lindsay is a marine biologist, naturalist and photographer. She has guided so many trips by boat in the Great Bear Rainforest, that some say she has worn a groove into the Pacific Ocean. She has a wealth of knowledge about the wildlife and cultural heritage of the region. @lutrawildlife
Megan Baker
Coastal Kiwi. Originally from New Zealand, Meg cut her teeth as a bear guide working in the renowned Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary, where she was also the lodge manager for five years. She can spot a Khutzeymateen grizzly bear from 1000 m (and tell you its entire life story). When she’s not working with bears, Meg is often found conducting humpback whale research or working on other conservation projects with the Rugged Coast Research Society. Check her out on Instagram @sitkaspruces.
Finn Steiner
Multi-talented coastal guide. Born and raised on Vancouver Island, Finn is a creature of the coast. At 17 he completed a solo sea kayak circumnavigation of his home island and he has been accumulating an impressive list of outdoor exploits ever since. In the off-season from guiding wildlife and kayak tours in British Columbia he works in places like Svalbard and Antarctica (Fun Finn Fact: he is the third generation from his family to work in Antarctica: his grandfather was a whaler, his mom a PhD researcher). Finn is part owner of SKILS, an outdoor skills and leadership company focused on kayaking. See the world through Finn’s eyes on Instagram @finn.steiner.
Blakeley Adkins
Carnivore wrangler. Blakeley has a special affinity for all things wild and toothy. Trained as a biologist, she has worked as a grizzly bear guide on the coast for more than a decade. In the “off-season” from guiding she has worked in the wilds of Idaho, Alberta, or Ontario doing research on the feistiest critter around – the wolverine. Blakeley currently works for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition.
Taylor Green
Grizzly guide extraordinaire. Taylor is a biologist and friend of the grizz. She has worked as a grizzly bear guide on the coast for years and years before joining our team. When not guiding expeditions in the Great Bear Rainforest, Taylor works on conservation projects for the Grizzly Bear Foundation. Instagram @ta_green