It’s not all about the bears
As with most things, it is the sum of all the parts that truly matters.
Despite the name, in the Great Bear Rainforest, the bears are simply a part of the grandeur of this special place. Even where there are no bears around, just having one’s boots on the ground here is a privilege in and of itself. Some of the best days start out waking up on a boat anchored in a coastal fjord. Heading up on deck with a hot cup of coffee, one is confronted by some of Mother Nature’s finest work. Perhaps there are mountain peaks, a waterfall, mist in the trees, and reflections in the calm water. Maybe an eagle is calling. And, if you are lucky, you spot a grizzly standing on a log when you scan the estuary with binoculars. The bear is a wonderful thing. But it is also just icing on an already magnificent cake.